Whew... what a trip we had home. The plane was delayed in Raleigh, NC because of thunderstorms there and also because there were thunderstorms in Pennsylvania, where we were to change planes. We stayed on the tarmac for almost an hour and before we even flew out, and knew we were probably already on track to miss our next connection in Philadelphia, even before we left the ground in Raleigh/Durham.
We landed in Philadelphia and then had to run to another terminal to catch our next flight home. We
arrived just as they were closing the doors. The nice flight attendant actually moved us up to an empty row towards the front of the plane and that made it easier to get all our stuff on with us and not hit all the already boarded passengers with our bags as we were going by. This flight was also on a gate hold and delayed. Once we were on board we didn't really care -- we were just glad we were going home. You managed to eat some food that we brought with us and then fell asleep even before we took off. You slept pretty soundly through take off and for about 3 hours. That was a great nap for you considering that we would be getting home very late now.

Dylan, we hope we are nearing the end of having to gate check a stroller for you. Your first stroller, which was awesome for traveling with, was badly damaged on one of our early flights to the Institutes in Philadelphia, so we used a jogging stroller that your dad bought for me (it was a birthday present for me so I could take you on walks -- pretty nice gift for the both of us), and then at the gate, we broke it down and put it into a massage table bag to protect it. One of the wheels still managed to get bent a little, but none of the fabric got tore and we knew it would be nice and clean to put you back into when we landed. We decided since there was a high probability your stroller could get damaged on this trip, that we should NOT take your very nice, Special Tomato Jogger (a stroller for little guys like you that can't walk yet) that we got from Developmental Disabilities last year. It is very nice and you love it. But, you adapted very well to the stroller we took and were very happy every time we took you out in it. We always appreciate your happy spirit and great attitude. You adjust so well to everything that goes on in your life.
Since our connection in Philadelphia was so tight, it didn't surprise your dad that our bags didn't make the flight with us. We got to Portland and then had to go to the US Airways counter and make a claim for our bags. We also checked your car seat and so we had to get a loaner car seat from US Airways. (Just a note to you when you read these 20 years from now -- the airlines have just started charging for bags -- $15.00 for each checked bag, but car seats are allowed on flights free). Your father and I are pretty picky about how clean things are for you and keeping you healthy, so we always bring our own car seat for you, but made the loaner seat work by covering it with blankets before we would put you in it.
We got home at around 1:00am (Portland time), but 4:00am North Carolina time (the actual time zone we were on). Yesterday seemed to be a big blur and we are just trying to get settled back in. US Airways did get our bags delivered on Saturday and everything looked fine with them. Your father and I thought it was interesting that the two times our bags have got lost by an airlines, that both flights were US Airways.
Your dad went to a softball tournament today in Portland (it was a one day tourney) and had to leave the house this morning at around 6:30am -- that is dedication. (way to early for me to even think about playing ball). A few of the guys on the team asked him to bring your silicone bracelets with him (we got them right before we left for NC). The bracelet color matches the color on their jerseys, and several of the guys bought them.
Your progress: We are still noticing the bursts of energy, but really haven't seen anything else. We are told it will take 6 months, and will now wait...
Dylan, you are VERY glad to be home with all your toys. I don't blame you, you have had a long trip.
I love you,